My marketing people kept telling me that we needed a website if we were ever going to make any money. So I fired them all. I think the internet is stupid. Or, it might be a government conspiracy. Most likely, it's a stupidity conspiracy.
I hired a whole new bunch of marketing people, and the first thing they started talking about was building a website. So I fired all of them and hired back the first team. I figured if I was going to spend a fortune on a website, maybe it could be a smaller fortune if it's run by people who already know me and my company.
As it turns out, the website isn't going to cost a fortune. They say they'll be done in about two months. How about that? The part I really like is that they are going to publish my journal. I can't wait to become a published writer. Maybe I can be a guest on the Tonight Show with David Letterman.
Anyway, I still don't get how we're going to squeeze beans through those skinny little wires.